New build large reactors

Proven safety systems supporting the delivery of additional low-carbon nuclear-sourced energy

Delivering safety solutions to large reactors construction programs for over 60 years

  • Decades of innovation has created a portfolio of proven technology
  • Expertise and experience in working with large nuclear contractors to adapt solutions to requirements

Ultra Energy has helped maintain the nuclear industry’s record as one of the safest ways to generate electricity for over 60 years. We’ve developed now proven technology that ensures people, the environment and infrastructure can be safeguarded from any harms associated with nuclear fuels and processes at nuclear sites.

Long standing commitment to partnership working, innovation and quality

Today’s focus on low carbon energy, as well as the need for energy security, have stimulated a new wave of large reactor constructions programs. Responsible organizations turn to Ultra Energy to ensure the safety of critical systems they are building. We are recognised as a global leader in this field, as thanks to our long-standing commitment to partnership working, quality and reliability, we consistently deliver qualified solutions that exactly meet the specific requirements of the program.

Qualified for use in all large reactor forms

In the UK, we are class-leading in the development and integration of safety-critical solutions for large reactors. In the US, over 80% of nuclear power stations rely on Ultra’s temperature sensors for critical reactor coolant monitoring. Our solutions have been qualified for use in all leading reactor forms, including AGR, PWR, BWR, CANDU (PHWR), and APWR

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