Next generations reactors and SMRs

Innovative safety solutions based on proven technology to keep next generation reactor and SMR development projects on track

An experienced nuclear solutions provider delivering certainty to next generation reactor and SMR development programs 

  • Delivering cost and time efficiencies in development programs
  • Certainty in attaining development milestones
  • Supporting on-time regulatory approval and commercial launch

Ultra Energy works with developers of next generation reactors and small modular reactors, helping them to deliver program milestones and promised returns to their investors.

Experience and expertise for end-to-end solution support

We provide an end-to-end service, with expert consultants and designers supporting requirements scoping, design, manufacture and integration of innovative systems that draw on the success of already proven technology. Our people have unrivalled knowledge and expertise, from physics first principles through to manufacturing and ongoing support, and they can be embedded on customer sites to give the closest possible support.

Realizing the value of new reactor forms

While the potential lifetime value delivered by advanced reactors is critical to their business case, the safety risks they could present are, as always, front of mind. Partnering with an experienced nuclear safety solutions provider to overcome these challenges is critical.

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