Plant life extensions

Securing ongoing power generation from existing nuclear power plants by maintaining the safe operation of legacy systems

Maintain nuclear power generation by extending the life of aging or obsolete systems

  • Complete systems or parts replaced, refurbished, redesigned or reverse engineered
  • Ongoing system refresh program managed until final end of life

Ultra Energy has helped customers across the world to significantly extend the life of established nuclear power plant fleets. Our work maintains revenue linked to the power such sites generate and costs vastly less than building a new reactor.

Delivering life extending aging and obsolescence programs

While all reactors generating power today will be decommissioned eventually, extending the life of their systems can extend the life of the whole plant. One of our core competencies is delivering aging and obsolescence programs, including legacy systems and parts replacement, refurbishment, redesign and reverse engineering. Our programs extend beyond immediate needs to provide an ongoing refresh program up to plant end of life.

Sustain complete legacy systems or parts with support for regulatory approval

We can support and sustain complete systems or provide specific support in areas such as process definition, sourcing, equipment evaluation and qualification. As well as meeting our customers' performance requirements, our solutions will comply with national regulations and benefit from being manufactured in our state-of-the-art, nuclear qualified manufacturing facilities.

Risk based, obsolescence and aging management

Ultra Energy’s ROAM is a risk based strategic review and investment process that identifies risks and ensures systems availability. Download our brochure now.

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