Nuclear material management

Ensuring the safety of radioactive materials and associated infrastructure across their managed lifecycle

Custom solutions based on proven technology to safely manage radioactive material

  • Enabling safe management of any type of radioactive material
  • Applications across multiple industries, power generation, medicine and defence
  • Monitoring for radiation in any media, including gases, solids, fluids and surfaces

Ultra Energy’s safety solutions help operators deliver a safe managed lifecycle for fuel used in nuclear power stations, including end-of-process waste. In addition, we help organizations using nuclear material in non-power generation settings, for example medicine or defence systems, to safeguard people, the environment and infrastructure from exposure to radiation.

Real time monitoring in compliance with regulations and organizational safety protocols

Working closely with customers and leveraging our proven technology, we design, manufacture and supply innovative monitoring systems. Through these, the real time status of nuclear material can be monitored in specific high-risk locations or across whole areas in accordance with regulation and organizational safety protocols. Our monitoring solutions are designed to be effective across any media that might present a radiation risk, including gases, solids, fluids and surfaces.

Meeting radiation safety responsibilities while optimizing material value

With many traditional reactors reaching their end of life, there is now a significant increase in nuclear material to be managed. Our systems enable customers to meet their safety responsibilities, while constraining costs and optimizing material usage to maximize its value to stakeholders.

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