Fiber optic networking modules

Fiber optic networking products for open and proprietary protocols providing cost-effective ways to monitor and control electrical signals

Ultra Energy supplies rugged fiber optic networking solutions for automation and process control in harsh, industrial environments. A fiber optic system using an optical transceiver and fiber optic media offers an array of benefits that are not available with traditional copper-based systems in similar settings.

  • High data rate and bandwidth capacity
  • Immunity to EMI/RFI and lightning damage
  •  No ground loops
  • Low attenuation
  • Longer transmission distances, up to 80km
  • Small cable diameter fits almost anywhere
  • Light weight
  • No sparks if cut, ideal for hazardous Location applications
  • No electric shock hazard
  • Secure communications
  • Flexible networking topologies
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Longer life expectancy than copper or coaxial cable
  • Lower total system cost

Ultra Energy fiber solutions provide cost-effective ways to monitor and control electrical signals:

  • Convert copper signals to fiber, and back again to copper
  • Support all network topologies, including single and dual-channel Self-Healing Rings (SHRs)
  • Provide local and global diagnostics
  • Work with the various open and proprietary protocols supported by a variety of PLC providers
  • Multiplex 4-20mA, 0-10VDC, dry contacts, RS-232/485 over a pair of fiber
  • Provide analog and digital data links
  • Class I, DIV 2, Groups A,B,C,D, and ATEX and CE
  • Operating temperature -40°C to +85°C

Example industrial applications


As transportation systems become more sophisticated, safety considerations define future specifications.

  • Remote Monitoring
  • Ingress/Egress
  • E-Stop
  • Fault Tolerance
Emissions monitoring

Compliance with environmental standards has become a primary focus for industrial operations. Our multiplexers are commonly specified for emissions monitoring systems.

Gate and valve operation

Most goods are transported on large container ships, requiring safe passage through canals and waterways.

  • Lock Operation
  • Valve Positioning
  • Pump Control
Storage tanks

Tank gauging is one of the most common applications in the remote monitoring market.

  • Leveling
  • Valve Positioning
  • Temperature
  • Flow Rate

Electric motors are expensive and require regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency. We provide simple and reliable ways to monitor your equipment.

  • Winding Temperature
  • Vibration
  • E-Stop
Conveyor systems

Conveyor systems are everywhere, and provide a means to transport material from one location to another.

  • Weigh Feeders
  • Feed Rates
  • Positioning
  • E-Stop

Product types

Digital data links

The FOT-CC and FOR-CC fiber optic transmitter/receiver can be used to transmit contact closure data over long distances. DIN Rail mount housings enable easy mounting on industry standard hardware. The transmitter provides a closed contact signal to the receiver, which activates a Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) relay.

Digital data links

EOTec 2000 modules

Ultra Energy industrial networking components are used to create a node necessary to transition between copper cable and fiber optic cable.

EOTec 2000 modules

Fiber optic contact closure

The EOTec 2000 fiber optic Multi-Channel Contact Closure modules are used to convert up to 10 contact closure inputs (switches, relays, etc.) into fiber optic signals for transmission over a single fiber optic link.

Fiber optic contact closure

Fiber optic multiplexers

Ultra Electronics industrial networking components are used to create a node necessary to transition between copper cable and fiber optic cable.

Fiber optic multiplexers

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