Activate Safety Mode: Custom Solutions for Tomorrow's Reactors

06 June 2024

Experience acting on proven I&C technology ensures advanced reactor and SMR programs stay on target for commercialisation

Advanced and small modular reactors (SMRs) are likely to start changing the way we generate clean, reliable and affordable electricity in the next 10 years. These new power plants will make nuclear energy more flexible and investable than ever before. 

With a design ethos of plants that are easier to deliver, these reactors will also be more fuel-efficient, cheaper and safer than traditional forms. All developers in this exciting sector face the same key challenge; transforming a credible theory to being paid for delivering power into the grid within the time and cost constraints defined in their business plan. Meeting that challenge involves lots of hard solution engineering and time spent with the regulator gaining their permission to proceed.

In the global race for new forms of nuclear power, developers need an experienced solutions provider, one that is able to innovate with its proven technology while also supporting the requirements of regulatory bodies.


Custom solutions for tomorrow’s reactors
Ultra Energy has delivered nuclear instrumentation and control (I&C) innovations for nearly 70 years. The challenges faced by developer’s designing tomorrow’s reactors are of the same category as their predecessors have faced across the decades. 

To reach development milestones within time and budget, partnering with an experienced nuclear solutions provider like Ultra Energy is a critical success factor. Our extraordinary heritage has created a deep portfolio of proven I&C technologies that our expert team innovates with to create practical solutions to today’s design challenges.

Our expert consultants and designers support requirements around the scoping, design, manufacture and integration of innovative I&C systems. From physics-first principles through to manufacturing and ongoing support, our people possess unrivaled knowledge and expertise. To give the best possible end-to-end support, our teams are often embedded on customer sites.  


Neutron monitoring innovation for advanced reactors
A great example of how we’ve innovated with our proven technology to address current design challenges is our recently launched high temperature neutron flux detector. Advanced reactors are designed to operate at a higher temperature than traditional reactors. Neutron flux detectors are placed within the reactor core and must therefore be capable of withstanding those temperatures. 

Ultra Energy has designed and manufactured neutron monitoring systems since the mid-1950s. Our established range of detectors provides neutron flux monitoring across a reactors full power range, from start-up to full power. Devices are integrated into reactors delivering power to national grids today and are fundamental to their ongoing safe operation.

Based on our established technology, our new high temperature neutron flux detectors operate effectively in temperatures up to 800° Celsius. Installed within the core of an advanced reactor, these devices will reliably deliver a signal into our reactor protection and control system, customized by our team for its setting, enabling safe, long-term nuclear power generation from advanced reactors and SMRs. 

Through rapid innovation and customization, our proven neutron monitoring technology is able to provide operating information and reactor control for developers of next-generation reactors.


Your I&C solutions partner
Ultra Energy is a recognized I&C solution provider in all traditional reactor technologies, including AGR, PWR, BWR, CANDU (PHWR) and APWR. Much of our work today is focused helping developers of next generation reactors to reach their commercialization objective with the next wave of nuclear I&C innovation.

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