Ultra Energy for support across your fleet of nuclear power plants

20 June 2024

We were recently asked why nuclear power plant operators use Ultra Energy for long-term, fleet-wide support, in contrast to just a single site. It was a good question. It made us reflect on the primary benefits of a fleet-wide approach. We thought we’d share our answer here. 

We deploy fleet-wide monitoring to inform active risk management programs. These programs include obsolescence monitoring and resolution services, ensuring critical component availability for lifetime system support. When we solve a challenge at one plant, we apply what we’ve learned elsewhere in a fleet, putting in place pre-emptive measures and rapidly deploying our proven solution if the same challenge occurs. This approach improves long-term planning and reduces plant overhead.

Through exposure to our customer’s wider organization, Ultra Energy gets to know their people and processes, adapting our way of working to their operational and cultural norms so we interact with their team in a way that’s familiar to them. We regularly support customers across the multiple countries they operate in, satisfying the different quality standards demanded in each. Through our partnership we also get to know our customer’s principal customers and their regulator, supporting their engagements with them. This deep and wide relationship removes administrative blockers to success, saving time, improving productivity and creating ongoing efficiencies. 

By engaging with a single supplier for a range of parts and services that are required across a fleet, we can offer a custom ordering process for our customer’s team, reducing their workload and enabling centralized oversight of us as a supplier. If a bespoke solution is required, our experience with their fleet creates design and production efficiencies, as well as ensuring the solution is optimized for wider deployment.

Ultra Energy has been part of the nuclear industry for nearly 70 years. We have always put quality and safety at the heart of what we do. By sourcing products and services from us, our customers can be sure that their need for those characteristics will always be met.

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