Ultra Energy visits Plant Vogtle Units 3 and 4

28 April 2023

A new era of clean, safe, reliable and affordable nuclear energy for US homes and businesses

Ultra Energy recently visited Units 3 and 4 at Georgia Power’s Plant Vogtle in Waynesboro GA. Using Westinghouse’s AP1000 advanced pressurized water reactor technology, these are the first new nuclear units built in the United States in more than three decades. Once all four Vogtle units are complete, they will produce enough clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy to power millions of homes and businesses.

Team members Bruce Weir, Taylor Campbell and Patrick Abernathy from ABCO Inc, Ultra Energy’s local representative, toured the units to see Ultra Energy’s nuclear qualified products that have been installed in the plant. All commented that it was an incredible experience and were very appreciative of Adam Young and Cesar Pozas at Georgia Power for providing the tour. Georgia Power is a subsidiary of Southern Company, one of the largest generators of electricity in the US.

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