Radiation monitoring solutions

Safeguard people, the environment and infrastructure through ongoing monitoring for radiation across locations and media

Ultra Energy’s radiation monitoring solutions detect radiation, automatically triggering a response if action is needed

  • Detect presence of radiation in any media
  • Monitor specific high-risk location or across wider areas
  • If set thresholds are exceeded, initiate automated responses and alert operators to take mitigating action 

Ultra Energy designs and manufactures radiation monitoring solutions that detect radiation and trigger an alarm if levels rise above a pre-set threshold. Our sensor range includes equipment that can detect all forms of radiation across any media, including gases, liquids, solids and surfaces.

All radiation leaks detectable with intelligent decision-making systems initiating action

Even small doses of radiation are potentially harmful so it is critical that leaks of any kind, in any part of your site can be detected quickly and mitigating action initiated. Our detectors are positioned in locations known to be high-risk or distributed to monitor large geographic areas. Sensors create and transmit an electronic signal to analysis and decision-making systems. If set thresholds are exceeded,  alarms are triggered locally and across a network of linked devices.   

Long-established pedigree in radiation detection at sites across the world

Ultra Energy’s heritage in radiation monitoring began in the 1980s, when we started integrating third party radiation monitoring technology in our solutions. From the early 1990s, we manufactured the technology ourselves, integrating it into solutions we developed for the civil nuclear industry. Our solutions are now used by many of the world’s leading nuclear organizations, both civil and defence.

Integrated building solutions
  • Health physics equipment integration
  • 9205 EMS – a central data logger built on a SCADA platform
Custom solutions
  • Swab monitor
  • Borehole monitor
  • PLC continuous monitoring station - multi-channel radiation monitoring systems using PLC technology 
  • Reactor process monitoring
Continuous air monitors

Instruments and systems for the continuous monitoring of radioactive concentration in air:

  • Smart CAM AB+ - continuous monitoring station for Alpha-Beta aerosol concentration in air
  • CMS Noble Gas - continuous monitoring station for the measurement of gaseous radioactive isotopes
  • SmartMCA Iodine - continuous monitoring station for the measurement for airborne radioiodines
  • SigmaCAM - continuous monitoring station for Alpha-Beta aerosol concentration in air
  • 400SBDyC - portable air monitor for tritium

Alarming electronic personal dosimeters for gamma and X-ray: 

  • PM1610 - X-ray and gamma personal dosimeter
  • PM1621 - X-ray and gamma personal dosimeter
Area monitors

Installed monitoring stations for radiological area monitoring and protection:

  • CMS Gamma GM - area monitoring station for continuous gamma dose rate measurement using GM detector technology
  • CMS Gamma Ion - area monitoring station for continuous gamma dose rate measurement using ion chamber detector technology
  • CMS Neutron - area monitoring station for continuous neutron dose rate measurement
  • PLC Continuous Monitoring Station - multi-channel radiation monitoring systems using PLC technology
  • AAGM & DAGM - analogue and digital area gamma monitor provides a direct replacement for obsolete area gamma measurement stations
Filtration media

Filters for the collection of radioactive contaminants in air:

  • TEDA Charcoal - TEDA impregnated charcoal maypack filters for radiodine sampling
  • Silver Zeolite - silver zeolite maypack filters for radiodine sampling

Our range of radiation detectors:

  • Geiger-Muller - A range of Geiger Muller based detectors for environmental and high-dose rate applications
  • Ion chambers - a range of ion chamber based detectors for gamma and neutron applications
  • Scintillator - a range of scintillation probes for gross counting and spectroscopy based process measurements
Interlock safety and process

Process and interlock radiation monitors for safety applications:

  • CMS Interlock SIL - for high safety integrity radiation interlock applications
  • CMS Process SIL - for radiation process measurement applications requiring a high safety integrity
Liquid monitors
  • Online liquid effluent monitor - continuous monitor for the assessment of radioactive concentration in liquid (adjacent to line configuration) 
  • Bypass liquid effluent monitor - continuous monitor for the assessment of radioactive concentration in liquids (bypass configuration) 
Data acquisition
  • 9205 EMS - a central data logger built on a SCADA platform
Emergency monitoring and management
  • AIDME - deployable continuous monitoring station for particulate and dose-rate
Stack effluent monitoring
  • Instruments and systems for the continuous monitoring or radioactive effluent in ventilation systems:
  • Stack flow monitoring - stack/duct air velocity sensors
  • Gaseous probes - insertable probe for the extraction of gaseous isotopes for effluent assessment
  • Isokinetic probes - for the extraction of particulate for representative effluent assessment
  • Shrouded probe - for the extraction of particulate for representative effluent assessment
  • Stack monitoring solutions - (particulate, iodine and gas)
  • Stack sampling solutions (particulate) - panels and cubicles for continuous radioactive effluent sampling
  • Stack sampling solutions (tritium) - gas sampling cubicle for tritium effluent assessment
PET stack monitor
  • PET stack monitoring for pharmaceutical production sites
Criticality systems
  • CIDS - criticality incident detection systems 
  • Maintenance support
  • Engineering services
  • Project management

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