

Modular platform enabling rapid delivery of highly customized I&C safety systems for nuclear power plants

Ultra Energy’s Guardline is a technology platform that enables the rapid delivery of highly customized I&C safety systems for nuclear power plants. It has a modular architecture. Pre-qualified, mutually compatible, standard modules are combined into units that deliver specific technical functionality. Units are combined to create a system that meets the complete range of customer requirements.  

Key benefits

  • Highly customizable
  • Rapidly configured
  • Comprehensive functionality


Guardline is the evolutionary pinnacle of Ultra Energy’s nearly 70 years’ experience developing I&C technology for nuclear platforms across the world. It meets the requirements of a wide range of safety applications within nuclear power plants including:

  • Primary protection
  • Diverse protection
  • Post accident monitoring
  • Severe accident monitoring
  • Priority logic
  • Diesel generator

Proven in use

Guardline has seen over 10 million hours of operational safety duty use in the UK Advanced Gas Reactor fleet alone, with further tens of millions of hours use internationally in both safety-critical and safety-related roles.



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